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Find My Friends On the Mac

Davis Sparks over at MacSparky:

The one piece of this I don’t understand though is why Apple hasn’t found a way to put Find Friends on the Mac.

I’ve wondered the same thing. It would be very convenient to have the ability pull up Find My Friends and see how close my wife is to being home while sitting at my Mac. Fortunately, while Apple hasn’t provided a bonafide Find My Friends solution, they have given us a way to see where our friends are (provided they’ve previously given us permission) with the new Messages features in Yosemite.

Just pull up a conversation in Messages and click the details button in the top right corner of the conversation. You will be given Details, such as options for screen sharing, FaceTime, or a phone call, photos you’ve shared, Do Not Disturb, and last but not least, a map with their current location.

Apple often adds many features to the OS every year that wind up being forgotten or that fall by the wayside, but this is one I’ve found myself using more and more.